
[WCC2012]Geoffrey T. Fong博士解析全球烟草控制政策评价项目

作者:  GeoffreyT.Fong   日期:2012/4/20 16:38:28


Dr Fong: The ITC Project is the International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Project and the report combines data from different ongoing research and surveillance projects

  <International Circulation>: What do you think is going to have to change in order for the situation in China to change?  You mentioned political will earlier. How do you develop political will?


  Dr Fong: Courage. In the Uruguay situation, they had an oncologist become President. You might say that is just luck but I don’t know. You find champions where you can get them or create them. It is very important to know that strong evidence on the potential effectiveness of policies can make a difference to governments. It is not everything, but it is something. I have said before that strong scientific evidence can give policymakers the courage to do what is right.


  <International Circulation>:Is there any correlation between policy success on public awareness affecting the number of people who are smoking and a reduction in smoking deaths?


  Dr Fong: Sometimes it is difficult to tease all of this apart but you do find that informing people through mass media campaigns, studies have shown definitively that the mass media informing the public can make a significant difference in knowledge as well as intentions to quit and actually quitting for example. It was just accepted last week so there is no publicity about it yet, but there is a study showing that mass media interventions can have an impact on reducing relapse amongst quitters.


  <International Circulation>: What sort of mass media interventions are we talking about? Are they directed towards people who are quitting or the general population?


  Dr Fong: All kinds. It may also be country specific with respect to the themes. Some of these mass media campaigns are informational. Some of them point out the tobacco industry’s behavior with respect to not revealing about knowing about the dangers of their product, such as the Truth campaign in the United States. The Truth campaign has been running for a long time and there have been pretty good evaluation studies done showing its impact especially amongst youth and youth smoking. There are more targeted campaigns on the dangers of secondhand smoke for instance. It really varies widely depending on the country and on the issues at hand. In general, mass media does work to increase peoples’ knowledge about that issue and also motivate a significant percentage of smokers to consider quitting and for youth to not start.


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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡


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